No words for this beautiful girl.
She was a dream model for my Birdseye workshop earlier this year.
Finding quality learning materials and distinguishing between teachers is hard for those who area wanting to hone their craft. Whether you are just starting out and want to get a feel for the ropes, or wanting really detailed information on lighting, posing, angles and styling, these workshops are well rounded and you are able to ask questions in real time, as well as after the workshop in the private facebook group. I go over editing as well, but as I tell people time and time again, the secret to creamy, natural skin tones is not editing but lighting! I try to infuse tips and tricks in terms of “what I’m looking for” as I’m shooting, and I more or less talk the entire time… They are really fun!
The January Birdseye class sold out because of my Black Friday sale this year, so we added another to the shop for February!
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