Newborn Workshops
Erin Tole offers newborn photography workshops around the country for amateur and professional photographers. If you’re just starting out in your photography career or feel like you’re caught in a slump, a newborn workshop is the perfect way to learn new techniques and gain great knowledge that will help kick start your creative juices and help you find your own personal style as a newborn photographer.
Attendees of Erin’s workshops love her laid-back style and the creative confidence that she inspires. Erin limits each workshop to just five attendees, so everyone enjoys an intimate learning experience that is guaranteed to leave you more capable, more confident, and more creative as a newborn photographer.
Set Up to Editing – The Whole Process
At Erin’s newborn workshop, you’ll be able to learn from the experiences and expertise of a successful and established newborn photographer. Erin will share tips and tricks as well as in-depth instruction on how to best manage and run a newborn photo shoot. She’ll take you through everything from choosing ideal locations, clothes, blankets, and accessories to setting up shoots and posing newborns.
Erin works with photographers where they’re at in their career, providing instruction on basic safety precautions as well as advanced posing techniques. Once the shoot is done, you’ll also get to learn insider tricks and methods for editing newborn pictures in Adobe Photoshop. Erin will take you through her highly regarded newborn Photoshop actions as well as other advanced methods for finding the best photo possible during the editing process.
Be Sure to Pack Your Camera!
Beyond simple instruction, Erin lets her newborn workshop attendees get their hands dirty by working with her during an actual newborn shoot. You’ll get to watch Erin work and as she explains her method and techniques for posing and finding the right angles and lighting. You’ll also get to break out your own camera and put the skills that you’re learning to work. As you photograph your newborn subject, Erin will provide you and your fellow workshop attendees with feedback on the pictures you’re taking and advice on how to improve your technique and form.
The Business Side of Things
Erin’s workshops also includes mentorship on managing your business as a newborn photographer. She will provide you with advice on working with clients, scheduling, pricing, and other factors that come into play in establishing a successful newborn photography business.
Whatever challenges you’re facing in your career as a photographer, newborn workshops are a great way to expand your knowledge and break through to a new level of creativity and confidence. By taking just one day out of your schedule to attend a newborn workshop with Erin, you’ll gain knowledge and skills that you would never get by spending thousands of dollars and countless hours in online classes. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for new ways to expand your creativity, Erin Tole’s newborn photography workshops can help you take your career to the next level.
Contact Erin today to learn more about her upcoming newborn workshops.
Baby Photography Workshops
Newborn photographers are consistently amazed at how different it is to work with slightly older babies. If you’re used to working with newborns who are 10 days old or less, you’re probably used to working with babies that are pretty much always asleep. Look through the portfolios of some of your favorite newborn photographers and you’ll see it over and over again — sleeping infants. Newborns are so tired most of the time that posing them and getting them to stay in one place, while sometimes quite challenging, can actually be a pretty simple procedure if you have the right techniques and know how to soothe infants when necessary.
Working with a baby who is just a few weeks older is an entirely different story. All of a sudden, you have a little person with a little personality trying to run your photo shoot for you. Slightly older children, even babies that are only a month or two old, pose significantly different issues for photographers than newborns.
Learn New Skills to Expand Beyond Newborn Photography
If you would like to expand your repertoire beyond newborn photography to also include slightly older babies, consider taking a baby photography workshop. At a workshop, you can learn tips and tricks for working with babies that have gone past the newborn phase. You can learn about how to soothe babies of various ages, poses that you can use safely and beautifully with older babies, and settings and props that might improve your baby photography. Baby photography workshops can also teach you about the business of baby photography and provide you with training in Photoshop.
As a newborn photographer, it only make sense to also be able to take beautiful pictures of slightly older babies, as your client simply might not be able to make it in within the first 10 days of their baby’s life or they might want new sets of pictures when their baby is six months old or a year. The more you know about maternity photography, newborn photography, and baby photography, the more you’ll be able to expand your business and better serve your clients.
Consider These Factors When Choosing Baby Photography Workshops
When considering baby photography workshops, look for workshops led by experienced photographers who have portfolios that you like. By attending a workshop, you’ll be able to learn from the experiences of your instructor as well as your fellow attendees. You’ll also get the chance to photograph a baby, learning about the entire process from booking the client to setting up the shoot to taking the best pictures possible. Workshops are an excellent way to learn about new styles and trends as well as to solidify your own style. By attending baby photography workshops with experienced photographers, you can also expand your network of professional photographers, giving you the support you’ll need when questions and concerns come up throughout your career.
The best photographers are always working with others and taking steps to increase their knowledge of their craft. With a baby photography workshop, you can make yourself a better photographer by the end of just one day while also gaining resources and knowledge that will help you continue to improve your business and your art for years to come.